About the Author of Canal Zone Daugher
Judy (Armbruster) Haisten was raised in the Canal Zone, Panama, where her family lived for over twenty-five years. She graduated early from Balboa High School. While attending Brigham Young University, the then President Jimmy Carter signed the Torrijos-Carter Panama Canal treaties effectively ending the United States role in the Central American country and altering the course of Judy’s life. Following a nine-year marriage and subsequent divorce to a fellow Canal Zone resident, she returned to college and earned her B.A.E. from University of North Florida, a M.A.E. from the University of Florida, and Ph.D. from Walden University. She lives in Florida with her husband and family.
Judy Haisten is a Zonian. She is second born daughter of Ed and Jean Armbruster and spent her childhood years living in the former Canal Zone (Pacific Side). She graduated from Balboa High School, and like many of her friends, she’d planned to work and live her life in the Canal Zone. Unfortunately, during her first year of college in Kentucky, politics intervened, and the newly elected President Jimmy Carter, signed treaties giving all of the United States interests and assets to the country of Panama. The Canal Zone, considered home by several generations of Americans who lived here, would soon no longer be part of the United States, and she stayed in the States.